AKA: “Meh”
You arrive at the top of the tower and proceed to beat your nemesis soundly about the head and shoulders until he ceases to function. Fortunately Kigyar remembers his sending stone so that he can call home and get the coordinates for a teleportation circle. Gloin happily performs the ritual that takes you all back to the world. You return in triumphant fashion to Overlook where you are greeted by a relieved council.
Browsing through Sarshan’s personal effects you find little of much direct use other than a journal of his current plot to send blood chaos into your realm. You can also see that he has continued to be very active in his role of moving large numbers of troops, arms and armor to various undisclosed locations. Reading between the lines makes it disquietingly clear that the threat of war is still a reality in the Elsir Vale
7,800 XP (1560 Each)
MINOR QUEST – Save Talar 600 XP (120 Each)
MAJOR QUEST – Defeat Sarshan 3,000 XP (600 Each)