
Journal Entries Status: Inactive (2019-Present) Current Level: 3 Dungeon Master: Scott THE SHUNTERS Adventurers: Ažhi Dahaka / Dragonborn / Paladin Jörgen Voll / Goliath / Barbarian Lilliana / Human / Wizard Rolan Liadon / Elf / Rogue Warbling Cactus / Tabaxi / Bard Recent Topics Dragon Heist 5 years, 12 months ago VIEW CAMPAIGN GALLERY 0ENEMY KILL COUNT…

Revenge of the Giants

Journal Entries Status: Inactive (2013) Current Level: 13 Dungeon Master: Fred Adventurers: Blair / Revenant / Seeker Crixus / Human / Fighter Gral Ma’duu / Githzerai / Monk Ka’cha / Thri-kreen / Warlord Exchangeable Treasure Bearer: Gral Ma’duu VIEW CAMPAIGN GALLERY 0ENEMY KILL COUNT 0TOTAL XP GAINED 0GP VALUE OF TOTAL TREASURE FOUND (NON-MAGIC) 0GP VALUE OF EXCHANGEABLE…

Tomb of Horrors

Journal Entries Status: Completed (200X) Dungeon Master: Fred Adventurers: Nefis Turniel / Eladrin / Warlock Rolo / Kenku / Theif Travok / Dwarf / Warden Tren Farlost / Revenant / Seeker VIEW CAMPAIGN GALLERY 0ENEMY KILL COUNT 0TOTAL XP GAINED 0GP VALUE OF TOTAL TREASURE FOUND (NON-MAGIC) 0GP VALUE OF EXCHANGEABLE TREASURE HELD

Forgotten Realms

Journal Entries Status: Inactive (2011-Present) Current Level: 18 Dungeon Master: Scott THE PROFESSIONALS Adventurers (Active): Branwen / Changeling / Wizard Calvin Chesterfield / Human / Warlord Ookla the Mok / Gnoll / Runepriest Razylkryx / Kobold / Wizard Zarra / Drow / Hunter Adventurers (Inactive): Sithiss / / Wenci Difrifol / Wood Elf / Druid Zissren Silverscale /…

Adventure Path

Journal Entries Status: Inactive (2007-Present) Current Level: 10 Dungeon Master: Andrew THE PERSUADERS Adventurers (Active): Andraste / Eladrin / Swordmage Eleazar / Dragonborn / Sorcerer Reyin Forlani / Human / Paladin Valen / Elf / Ranger Adventurers (Inactive): Syrus Ramal / Deva / Shaman (Deceased) Group Discussion: Pyramid of Shadows 6 years, 9 months ago VIEW…

Scales of War

Journal Entries Status: Active (2006-Present) Current Level: 17 Dungeon Master: Deryk ELSIR IRREGULARS Adventurers (Active): A’shar / Genasi / Swordmage Hiradur of Anar / Half-Elf / Ranger Kigyar the Mad / Kobold / Wizard Ori / Dwarf / Fighter Zane / Human / Warpriest Adventurers (Inactive): Dita Silverleaf / Half-Elf / Cleric Gloin / Dwarf / Cleric…